Project Page McLaren

How can $10 million be used to remake and restore the second largest park in San Francisco?


In 2012, voters approved the $195 million San Francisco Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond. The Bond allocates $10 million in funding for McLaren Park, the city’s second largest park.

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SITELAB collaborated with CMG Landscape Architecture, EHDD, Lotus Water, and the San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department to prioritize and develop a vision for the investments based on a year-long engagement process with the neighboring communities – Excelsior, Crocker-Amazon, Visitacion Valley, and Portola.


Location / Date:
San Francisco, CA / 2016-2017


Site area:
312 acres

City and County of San Francisco Recreation and Park Department

Design Collaborators:
CMG Landscape Architects, EHDD Architects, Lotus Water

In the News:
project website

Community Engagement

Design Strategy

SITELAB provided strategic consulting, plan visioning, community engagement design and facilitation, and visualization support for the project, led by CMG. The consultant team has hosted widely attended community events in the park and adjacent neighborhoods to solicit feedback on focus areas for improvements, including a treasure hunt, trail walks, and hands-on workshops. In late 2017, SF Recreation and Parks Commission approved the proposed allocation of funds and projects. The McLaren Park Framework Plan, developed by CMG and SITELAB, documenting the vision, process, and community priorities, provides a guide for the park’s future. 

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